Frequently Asked Questions

When should I place my order?
It is recommended to place an order as soon as possible. There is limited stock for some stallions as some sell quickly. If you are placing a order request for semen the request needs to be place at least 4 weeks before the shipment arrives so the paperwork can be completed in time.
How long will shipping take to get to me once the semen has been sent from Rideauwood Farm?
When a shipper is sent from Rideauwood it will usually take between 1 to 4 business days to arrive at its destination.
Should I send my own dry shipper?
It is recommend to have a dry shipper sent to us as it insures your semen will get to you quicker. We have a limited number of shippers and there is no guarantee a shipper will be available when you order your semen.
How many shipments from Europe are done a year?
On average, there are usually 2 semen imports done each year.
Can I receive my semen right away if it is in stock?
The semen will be sent to you when you need it as long as there are shippers available.
What are the thawing instructions?
In almost every case thawing instructions are 37C for 30 seconds.
How long can I keep my semen order at ISD once it is in stock?
ISD will store your semen for 3 months, after that there will be an additional fee of $100 per month.